Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Feel the Wind

Feel the wind

It is challenging to understand
 why certain people come and go in our lives
  the best way I can describe it and
 go beyond such an impasse is this is like the wind as it gently moves my hair 
to tickle my cheek
and it makes me smile is like the wind when I feel it 
caress my shoulders as it moves from behind me
moving me forward
ever so lovingly
moving me forward
helping me and others to see the meaning
in the power of the wind
and the metaphor it offers us
as it brings new life into our lives and
moves some things out of our lives
that we may not be ready to let go of
but the wind 
helps us to see and understand
the power of 
letting go
the beauty held within letting go
maybe before we think we should
maybe before we think we are capable of 
letting go
it may seem too soon
the wind helps it to move along
to where it should go
to where it belongs
taking our love with it
branding it
eternal love
and no one can claim that
but those that feel it within their heart and soul
and therefore passing along
the lessons learned by loving when they were asked to love
 and called to love
and also knowing when to let go
with love
so that those you love may continue to grow and blossom
because of the love
you have shared

letting go with love
will ultimately guide you to

find your peace

to order your copy of 
Quiet Power

Friday, December 14, 2012

Vibrant Passages

Vibrant Passages

A letter from Barb

Hey Janice,

How wonderful to see you at Burger's Market yesterday. Sorry it is so difficult  to take a few minutes to chat...busy...busy.

As I mentioned  there is a journal entry from Quiet Power  that really spoke to me the day I read is on page 134.

Quiet Power
Journal entry page 134

I will provide the strength for you as I see it is needed. Your soul is gasping for strength. Do not make it your last breathe. Allow me to walk in your heart and know the gasping will only bring joy. For you are not gasping for air to survive. You are not allowing time to move the way you know it should, the way it must. Tight fisted feelings of the past, the loss. Remember, let them go. 
Do you really want to continue to suffocate yourself? Hear the torment within your heart. You are a beautiful soul, you have beauty like no other. Share and know, understand what you know, it is time, the time, feel all that has been and never let it go, it will not leave, it is yours for this lifetime. Beyond, you must walk alone at times. Out of grace and love I tell you this.
Know this, let it be, let it be. Not an end at all, it cannot be. Only a beginning, only a continuing of life. Walk, stumble and even fall sometimes. You can pick yourself up and go on. Truly you can learn to walk with you alone. You are meant to go on alone at different times in life. See this, know this and understand this level. 
Do you choose to create sadness and pain each day? Please do not. Now go live in joy, feel the love and know you must walk with only you. Release yourself like a beautiful bird that needs to fly. Always keeping your soul in sight. Soaring high, you must be strong and full of love....
...and love will find you...

This year has had much goodness, yet all at once every aspect of my life seemed to come crashing apart...almost within the same month...

It has been very frightening in some respects, to the point I can hardly breathe. Especially if I let my thoughts go down the wrong road...

 This four page passage has become my "Go To" passage...
it reminds me that there is a higher power and that higher power is very much in charge.

And even though I know this to be true, it is quite difficult for me to actually put it into action. Being a Cancer (sign of the zodiac) and a control freak are not the easiest doors to unlock.

I must say there are many other passages that warm me in this little book, however, this particular one has been the most timely and has spoken to me the loudest.

I find each story and each entry to be unique. Some easy, others take a bit more of a thought process.

I am thankful we have had the opportunity to establish a relationship.

Burger's Market has been a wonderful avenue of allowing many people to come into my life bringing much enrichment...

Here's to a Happy and Peaceful Holiday and many more

Vibrant Passages 
                           to come.

Warmest Regards,

Barb Watts


My Response

Good Morning Barb,

Thank you so very much for your kind words. It touches my heart and soul that you find comfort within the pages of Quiet Power. It has been a true labor of love for me to get this book as ready as I could to allow it to reach someone as yourself. In my mind I always imagined it would sprout legs and carry itself to whoever may be in need. Somehow it would lift their spirit a little after reading it. It's my way of thinking how it would reach who it needs to reach ( sounds kind of like a little cartoon character doesn't it?).

If there is anything else I can ever do for you please let me know...I'm here.

During one of my ritual morning walks recently this message came to me. I heard it clearly and it is so true at different points in life. 

"You must empty your cup before I can fill it again...have no fear as you begin to feel the emptiness because it is only then that it may begin to fill up with new life that is waiting for you...have no fear as it empties, allow your faith to remain strong and your empty cup will be renewed and full". 

I really love your words and as I mentioned yesterday I would be honored if I could post your message on my website if you are comfortable with that.

Have a blessed day and may you 

Find your Peace,


to order your copy of
Quiet Power

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Strong Body...Strong Mind...Strong Spirit

{posted on Facebook by}
Ms. J. Wood
I am a creature of action
but I believe in the journey of souls
 and spirits as well.
Janice Carter Levitch,
you are a talented,
insightful writer.
I will carry this book with me daily.
I found mine at Burgers Market.
Strong body...Strong mind...Strong spirit.
Thank you so very very much for your support

…I love your philosophy…
Strong Body…Strong Mind…Strong Spirit.
That is the essence of book one of
The Graceful Energy Series
 It warms my heart that you carry it with you daily.
Find your Peace
to order your copy of 
Quiet Power



During the Graceful Energy Retreat this past summer I was spending the day in Cognac and passed by this lovely boutique called Happy…how clever. Just looking at the store front actually made me happier than I already was. Someone had the lovely idea to name their store Happy. I wondered if I could go in to purchase a little bit of happiness…what would it look like all wrapped up nicely in a beautiful gift box…I really wanted to buy some happiness for those that need it most. But as we all know you can’t buy happiness it comes from within your own heart and soul.
May you enjoy a little  bit of happiness from this picture of the Happy boutique in Cognac , France…and may it help you to
find your peace

to order your copy of
Quiet Power

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Maybe book 2 The Graceful Energy Series

a book about hope
While working on MAYBE, book two of The Graceful Energy Series…I came across something written on a post it note. It was stuck between the pages of one of my journals that I had written a few entries in a while back and on this particular day was editing those writings. It was my handwriting and the post it note was from a hotel in New York that I love and had visited a while ago. The words are quit simple yet I feel they deliver a powerful message of spirituality. The message was written precisely at 11:11pm on New Years Eve 2011 while I was at home with my two daughter’s beginning to celebrate the New Years arrival. The bells were going to ring in the New Year within the hour and this message came to me like someone had turned on a switch. My daughter’s and I have a special tradition on New Years Eve…we write our wishes for the new year on a teeny tiny piece of paper then roll it up like a scroll. We then place it in our champagne flutes…mine full of champagne, theirs full of bubbly soda. We then drink in our wishes for the year and when the glass is empty we take the wet scroll out and place it in a special window sill…as if the wishes fly out into the universe. We share this tradition every year and had just finished drinking our wishes…then I remember looking for my favorite fountain pen and decided to use the pad of post it notes I had from the hotel in New York and we had just used to write our wishes on. I knew whatever the message was that was coming needed to be journaled in a very special way and I wanted my fountain pen to write it with. The message that flowed out is titled 'All that I am'.
All that I am
Allow me to be all that I am
and all that I am not
allow me to be willing to
give up all that I know
for all that I do not know.
 Ringing in the New Year has been a very significant event for me over the last several years. Especially now being on the threshold of saying goodbye to 2011 and welcoming in 2012…which I believe offers all of us a new doorway to pass through. 2012 has been misinterpreted by many who think negatively about the unknown of the New Year. This is my personal interpretation of 2012…

open hearts
open minds
to find your peace
to be at peace
May you find your peace

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All that I am

Allow me to see all that I am

and all that I am not

allow me to be willing to

 give up all that I know

for all that I do not know

an excerpt from book two

of the 

Graceful Energy Series


a book about hope

to order visit

JANICE / THE GRACEFUL ENERGY SERIES...excerpt from Quiet Power book one

if this were your last moment in this lifetime
what would you say?
whose soul would you pray for?
who would you forgive?
who would you open your heart to?
who would you love unconditionally?
this perspective creates the ending of many emotions
 that may weigh you down
Love who you need to love
forgive who you need to forgive
help who you need to help
begin what you need to begin

but first

end what you need to end
which allows you to begin with your own
Quiet Power

find your peace

Quiet Power
book one of 
The Graceful Energy Series
available now



When love grows from pain

forgiveness blossoms

allowing the heart to seek true joy

understanding how precious each 

 smile can be

every touch already is

all the sensations that are shared become treasures within themselves

to nourish your soul

allowing your spirit to open with greater clarity

with new vision

and a knowing that your soul and spirit 

are gaining the wisdom to see 

How to Love

How to be Loved

and most of all helping you to 

find your peace


March 2010

to order your copy of
Quiet Power

Monday, December 10, 2012

I love it..a letter from Nia

I love it
A letter from Nia

Hello Janice,
The first time we met you gave me a copy of your book 'Quiet Power'. I love it.  If possible I would like to purchase several more copies to give as gifts to my fellow yoga instructors. I will be in your city soon and would like to stop by and pick them up.

I truly enjoy knowing you. You are a remarkable and inspiring lady. As I go through this journey of life I always try to find people that can lift me up and teach me. I believe you are one such person. My thanks to you.

My response:

Dear Nia,

Your words are so kind and I am deeply flattered. It has been such a delight to get to know you...I'm so glad I can be of inspiration and provide you with an uplifting grace. However, it is you that has such beautiful and enduring energy.

Quiet Power has poured out form my heart and has been my focus and hope that it will reach those it has been created for.

It is so nice of you to get several copies as gifts for your fellow yoga instructors. If you would like them signed I would love to personalize each one...just send me the list and I will have them ready for you.

It will be great to see you again.

Holiday Cheers!


to order your copy of
Quiet Power



...and the importance of who we are is forever continually revealed...not only in the dance we create with our lives...but, how well we teach the dance to those we love so that they may dance along with us.

...and by dancing along with us ~ yet ~ a new dance has seen it's own creation 

coming together

coming forward

touching us

beyond words

This was written in New York on November 7, 2010 @ 1:24 pm
the urge to get these words on paper was powerful.
 I wanted them to be part of book 2 of
The Graceful Energy Series
forthcoming release

May you find your peace

to order your copy of
Quiet Power